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Secret Gallery: a virtual gallery #35

Open joelmce opened 2 years ago

joelmce commented 2 years ago

Project description

The Secret Collective will be developing a virtual experience that allows users within Secret Network to view their NFTs on-chain. Our objective is threefold:

  1. Continue building with current collections and applications to extend utility that is unique by Secret NFTs;
  2. Provide an interactive gallery that users can share, customize and create their own immersion and;
  3. Be a platform for creators to thrive and experiment with new techniques and technology that Secret Network can provide.

For comparison, you may look at on Ethereum which executes this ideology perfectly and it’s time we begin that journey here on Secret Network, and ultimately all of Cosmos. We want to take a step further with how users can maximise their experience in a virtual 3D gallery.

Secret Network is the hub for privacy. And we want to be the hub for all of Cosmos for people to display their NFTs uniquely - on Secret.

The problem

Virtual galleries are quickly becoming a staple in Web3; people want new and exciting ways to display, share, and interact with their NFTs in a digital environment. Due to the unique nature of Secret NFTs, there needs to be a specialized platform for those to exist in a 3D metaverse, where owners can choose what private data to reveal, and whom they reveal it to. Now we are presented with a situation where an NFT owner is limited in options for how their collection or body of work is displayed considering how new the NFT ecosystem is on Secret.

Another prime issue is how centralized many NFT marketplaces and virtual galleries are. stores their files on the Google Cloud and OpenSea handles mints through their own API^1. (allows them to deny API requests from competitors). This strays away from the core fundamentals of why this industry exists. We want to set a precedent, to be as decentralized as possible and strive for complete automation and this will be achieved through services like Akash and transition to on-chain storage (JACKAL, contract deployment)

Product Description

The end product will be a virtual gallery which will include many features. We will highlight that we want to release the product in two main stages (outside of the first one which has been released as a proof of concept).

Viewing of galleries


Saving & manipulation of galleries


Go-to-market plan

We believe collaborating with collections across the network will allow us to onboard as many people to utilize our platform as we want to work closely to enable those creators to connect with their user base. Some examples:

As it stands, users can mint tickets on Stashh for access to the gallery, but this is flawed for scalability. As this heavily restricts our user base, we will change how tickets are viewed:

  1. Stop the mint process at a given time: Ticket holders are classified as “vip” which grants them special assets and features within the platform.
    • Unique animation effects
    • Custom galleries
    • ..and more We also will re-brand from Secret Collective to Secret Gallery

Once we address this issue then we can start with our marketing strategy:

In addition, on launch we aim to have selective debuts of new galleries; accessed via entry passes, or special editions that are for sale on the market. This will feature galleries made in-house, as well as some designed by collaborating artists.

Value capture

Tor mentioned that Secret NFTs enable creators to form personal relationships with collectors due to their private nature^2. Secret Gallery primes to hone in on this experience and immersify creative work for users to interact with, which goes beyond the standard process at the moment (view only).

Those within the network will see more value in their digital assets if they are given another level of control over their web3 experience. And from an outside perspective, we feel our virtual spaces will attract users with a fun, almost “gamified” platform for interacting with NFTs, and will also demonstrate the benefits of privacy on Secret in a powerful way.

Team members

Curtis Pattee

Curtis is a multi-disciplined artist who specializes in architectural design and 3D modeling. He holds a master’s degree in Architecture and has spent the past decade-plus taking on various design opportunities and building a successful business. His most recent work involves computational modeling and architecture-related graphics. Legacy Portfolio Linkedin

Joel McElroy

Joel has a plethora of experience across multiple industries, including development, business (sales, management) & product manufacturing. He started with Java, developing and deploying plugins for online gaming networks hosting thousands of people concurrently. Since then, Joel has been learning and broadening his skills to scripting and applying business models to projects within the crypto space. Github Linkedin

Development Roadmap

We have already begun development, after hours of research into the best framework to work with. Initially we toyed with Ruby Rails however we felt that it was too resourceful unnecessarily, we also didn’t appreciate how opinionated it is, especially when we want to remain flexible with features. Support for RoR is small for Three. ThreeJS was initially developed for plain javascript, however javascript (Node for that matter) does not handle cleanups well and can get very messy and quickly^3. On a project this large and with scalability in mind, we have opted to go with React (specifically NEXT).


@react-three-fiber (superior to ThreeJS) ThreeJS (Used for defaults) @react-three-drei (helpers) @react-three-cannon (physics) leva (GUI controls)

Looking at for future use-cases:

@react-three-a11y (interactivity)

Week 1-4

Week 5-8

Week 9-12

Funding & Milestones

Funding for this project will cover individual efforts with workload and complexity considered and infrastructure pricing: Akash, (JACKAL or ipfs)

Project timeline: 8 weeks for primary product, with continuous development (including community outreach, deeper integration with the network and more) through 12 weeks and beyond.

See below for detailed outline in allocation and calculation

USD / week Week 1-4 Week 5-8 Week 9-12
Website development $800 $3,200 $ 3,200 $3,200
Project management $300 $1,200 $ 1,200 $1,200
3D Design & Rendering $600 $2,600 $2,600 $2,600
Contract Development $3,000
Marketing $3000
$7, 000 $ 7, 000 $13, 000 $27, 000

Week 1-4 to be funded when (and if) this grant has been approved. Funds following can be paid after deliverables have been showcased. SCRT is accepted!

In addition to funding, we would love support on Twitter and blog posts: 1 x tweet leading up to launch and 1 x announcement tweet on launch; official blog post or an inline reference to the Secret Gallery close to launch!

You can reach out to me on discord: jmac#6369 or Curtis: CultivatedCurt#2279 Secret Collective discord:

joelmce commented 2 years ago

cc @YonatanE22

Please advise the updated grant request. This now includes the second developer that we will be hiring!

USD / week Week 1-4 Week 5-8 Week 9-12  
Developer $800 $3,200 $ 3,200 $3,200  
Developer $800 $3,200 $ 3,200 $3,200  
Project management $300 $1,200 $ 1,200 $1,200  
3D Design & Rendering $600 $2,600 $2,600 $2,600  
Contract Development       $3,000  
Marketing       $3000  
    $10 200 $ 10 200 $16 200 $36 600
Gago55 commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone. I wondering if this project was funded and if so what is actual state?