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Web3 Builders Alliance Institute Funding #66

Open Japarjam opened 1 year ago

Japarjam commented 1 year ago

Team Name: Web 3 Builders Alliance (WBA)

Project Description

With the explosive growth of the Web3 space, the dearth of elite professional developers with verifiable standards of acumen and the requisite accompanying open source tooling are precluding a continued fluid ascension. The WBA aspires to reconcile both challenges with a high-level learning experience for variously prepared cohorts of programmers who are eager to learn, build, and partner in the continuous creation of world-changing technologies and projects.

We endeavor to recruit, educate, develop, and outsource elite blockchain programming professionals to strengthen the Web3 Ecosystem during all phases of its burgeoning maturation. Through attentiveness to public goods, project needs, strategic recruitment, masters-level coursework, purposeful project-based learning practices, and unparalleled DevEx (developer experience), the WBA will serve the Web3 space by providing all projects with their developer needs, while also building essential free open source tools, leading research initiatives, providing best-in-class advisory services, and pursuing every opportunity to continue to support blockchain growth.

The Institute is a 10 week course of study that will prepare cadets to step into high level developer roles, build their own teams, pursue additional training to perform audits, tackle meaningful research, teach in the Institute, as well as other opportunities that their skillsets, network connections, and creativity open to them. The program is free for our learners.

In return for a committed effort to work hard, collaborate with peers, and complete the course, we will serve our certified grads for life- we will be family. Our ecosystem partners, friends, and greater Web3 network allows us to constantly identify great opportunities for our grads: as developers, founders, auditors, researchers, and teachers in our institute (among others to be discovered).

Problem / Solution

Thesis: Formal, Standardized, Collaborative, P3BL Based Learning programs serve the horizontal and vertical growth of Web3 far more palpably than the existing learner-directed academy programs and self-starter processes that most developers in the space have been following.

While this latter approach has been an accepted norm outside of crypto, and even referred by some as “preferred” amongst aspiring developers, we posit that this approach is not a preference, but rather a symptomatic necessity borne of the lack of a comprehensive university-style approach that most top candidates entering the Web3 space are not only accustomed to, but also wherein the most effective and efficient learning occurs.

The absence of a well-designed, high level learning institute has led to multiple bottleneck challenges in the Web3 space, including, but not limited to:

Poorly trained candidates in central development roles Poor construction Security Issues Efficacy of process and protocol performance Desperation of founders and teams has muddied the hiring process, leading to false resumes, githubs, and other portfolio components. Cost of poor hires, wasted time, resources of having poorly prepared and fitting pseudo professionals. Lack of uniformity in training that causes higher costs in training, and potential security and production challenges due to lack of common lexicon and understanding of core concepts. Composability of protocols, especially in the Defi space could be greatly enhanced by key members of project teams having a common language, and training background so as to speak the same “language” and understand not only each other's projects and builds. The absence of guidance and collaborative learning experiences stagnates and deprecates learning and the performance of developers on teams. The self starter model precludes comprehensiveness of the learning, as does the “learn on the job” model that many follow. Building meaningful projects in the learning experience, rather than tasks that have little to no relevance to actual project needs can also feel inefficient and thus off-putting to the new learner. Conversely, the sense of contributing from day one of the process is inspiring and motivating to learners, which helps them persevere through the challenge of learning via the project, problem, and process-based learning model (P3BL).

Finally, the human relationship side of the Institute experience represents a purposeful, strategic approach to solving the pervasive loyalty issues of developers job-hopping and costing teams in the rehire, train, and acclimate process.

Detailed product description

The WBA Institute is a university-style learning program, with the 10 week developer training course at the core, the continuing education and auxiliary programs (Advising, Auditing, Research etc) round out a full, community-centric institute of progress.

The application process will allow us to also get to know our candidates and homogeneously engineer learning groups (cohorts) that provide the best learning experience to fit the background, skills, and interests of our cadets.

While this is an admission-based program, and we cannot accept everyone who applies for the current semester, it is our goal to offer those who are deferred to a future semester feedback to help them better prepare to join a future cohort.

Those who are accepted will be guided, challenged, and supported through a comprehensive 10 week course of study that includes a set of prerequisite tasks, three 90 minute live class sessions each week, with extensive hands-on project/problem based learning experiences and a final capstone project at the conclusion of the course.

Go-to-Market plan

Curriculum (Complete) Staffing (Complete) Admissions (in process- strong response of high quality candidates) Need funding for staff & automated learning

Value capture for Secret Network ecosystem

1) Resources 2) Public Goods 3) Developer Marketing 4) Chain--Specific Curricular Components and Capstone builds

Team members

Nate Hughes Dan Mirantz Jeff Rothstein Chauncey St. John

Team Website

Team's experience

Team LinkedIn Profiles

Development Roadmap


Ideally, we can receive payments in 3 disbursements, one at the beginning of the grant, one after implementation of Core Curriculum Component and last payment when the Capstone defense is completed.

Additional Information