scrtlabs / Grants

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Cron.Cat - IFTTT for the Interchain #80

Open TrevorJTClarke opened 1 year ago

TrevorJTClarke commented 1 year ago

Project Description

If This Then That for the Interchain.

Croncat brings decentralized automation to Secret. We are building croncat to aid developers with composability and UX within the functionality of Secret. We aim to deliver a simple SDK for cosmwasm developers to integration event and scheduled tasks for Secret. In addition to croncat core, we aim to deliver a streamlined web interface for non-technical users to automate common patterns & flows they do manually today. This web interface will provide a way for technical people to publish common flows and earn a royalty for their work. All users will be able to make a copy of any flow that helps they automate or level up their Secret & interchain experience.

Problems / Solutions

See our large (and growing) list of problem/solution use-cases for croncat. View Use-Cases

Quick summary:

Detailed product description

Croncat is an async streaming runtime that maintains a registry of tasks & agents. In the Croncat system, there are two fundamental Stakeholders:

Tasks that are scheduled by users, applications or contracts, get put into future buckets which remain dormant until a bucket is active. A bucket becomes active when the block height has been reached or surpassed. Agents communicate with the cron contracts, watching for available tasks & signing transactions that are ready to execute. Agents earn a small reward every time they successfully execute a task.

Many contract functionalities need an extra execution step to enable the completion of some action or state finalization. Without a cron-style execution, contracts on chain must rely on externally provided state & function changes via transactions sent by chain participants. This is a critical logic piece that is innefficient and sometimes expensive for the participant. Such execution could be paid for by the contract (if desired) or made to execute with less logic via croncat task.

Key Benefits:

Go-to-Market plan

Croncat will be delivering both our cosmwasm contract system to Secret and extending our decentralized agent network to Secret. Once these have been shipped, the website will allow anyone (including non-technical users) to create automations across pre-defined app flows and custom flows. We will then utilize our DAO community to help market and boost our partnership.

Value capture for Secret Network ecosystem

Croncat is a utility that is aimed at being a general purpose task manager any contract on Secret can integrate. Its core benefit to Secret is a developer UX that solves any schedule or event based logic execution. This must currently be accomplished in a non-decentralized way, using techinical server knowledge.

A staking contract, for instance, may have to claim rewards & delegate using AuthZ via a server or done directly by the user. Instead, this task can become a "croncat task" where the Secret community can utilize croncat agents to handle periodic execution without relying on a single server or user interaction.

Cron contracts will operate utilizing a sustainable economic model that aims to keep task execution costs low while maintaining enough profit from Secret contract gas rewards and task runner fees to maintain a threshold at or above the task queue triggering threshold. The community will benefit from a simple SDK that their contracts can use to schedule tasks. External accounts will be triggering the Cron tasks by sending a transaction with gas. The triggering party will be incentivized by being essentially "paid" for their transaction with a value some amount (to be finalized soon) larger than the gas attached.

Team members

Team Website

Croncat started in October 2020, deploying to Near Protocol mainnet 1 year later, after completing 2 security audits. Croncat aims to extend automations across all PoS chains.

Team Code Repos

Development Roadmap

The following pieces being developed and delivered as part of this grant:


Grant Timeline

Total Estimate: ~3 Months


Start: $20k Milestone 1: $40k

Funding Request

$100k USD (or equivalent in $SCRT)

Budget Breakdown

Additional Information

The croncat utility will be deployed on all cosmwasm chains that allow it, owned by a DAO. More DAO details defined here: and

YonatanE22 commented 1 year ago

Hey @TrevorJTClarke and thank you for taking the time to apply this grant request. Feel free to reach me at TG - @Yonatan_SCRTLabs

TrevorJTClarke commented 1 year ago

Hey @YonatanE22! was great meeting with you the other day, just doing a bump on this -- would love to chat further about grant details and see how we can bring croncat to secret. Cheers!