scrtlabs / Grants

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Abode – Physical Addresses Shared Securely over the Blockchain #85

Open AndrewCrossley opened 1 year ago

AndrewCrossley commented 1 year ago


Project Description

Currently, when someone changes their physical address, the average person may need to update a multitude of sites and services to get their information up to date. With Abode, a user will only have to update their address once, subsequent queries from sites and services will return the latest physical address.

Abode will allow users to mint an NFT with their physical address. Users may then provide various services permission to query their physical address. This will allow for one location on Secret Network to function as a pointer for a user’s physical address to multiple websites and services.

Given the need for privacy when dealing with real addresses stored on the block chain, I believe that Secret Network makes for the ideal block chain to build out this project.

Problem / Solution

Current Web2.0 websites do not offer users the ability to use a 3rd party service to manage their physical addresses. This creates a great deal of frustration when moving, or otherwise changing an address, as multiple services require their users to go through the tedious process of updating addresses.

NFTs allow for a simple decentralized solution to this headache. As new Web3.0 services launch that can connect people physically, they may simply query a user’s NFT to acquire a user’s physical address. This may have an added benefit of shortening the process to onboard new users altogether. 3rd party services will not have to manage addresses to the same degree they do now on Web2.0. Lastly, allowing user’s to update their physical address in a single location will help ensure that their addresses are correct across all the platforms they are using.

Detailed product description

Abode will allow a user to select how long a given 3rd party service may query an address. Users may set an expiration for the token itself as well. Users will have the ability to name and label their NFTs to appropriately differentiate between their various address tokens, (e.g.: Residence, Billing Address, Shipping Address, etc).

Go-to-Market plan

The intent for Abode at launch is to provide support for the Secret Network ecosystem. Long term, if given enough interest, Abode will provide cross chain support so long as this can be done safely.

Value capture for Secret Network ecosystem

Abode is not intended to be for profit. Instead Abode’s value to Secret Network is in providing a utility for all developers to use and to simplify managing one’s address(es) across platforms.

Team members

Team's experience

Development Roadmap

I will require 4 months to complete this project working alone full time for a total cost of $9,000.


Ideally, I can receive payments in three equal disbursements, one at the beginning of the grant, one after the release of the smart contract and source code, and the last payment when the website is completed.

I would be willing to consider part payment in SCRTs, up to 50%.