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Large scale data architecture? #37

Open levackt opened 4 years ago

levackt commented 4 years ago

forum post


Hi, Enigma team. I had a question about architecting large scale data storage and access efficiently from a performance and cost perspective while still preserving secrecy for the data. I was reviewing the secret voting contract that Taariq mentioned to me, and I see that all the data is stored in a HashMap that appears to need to be loaded in its entirety to read and write values to it. I am guessing that is not the production-app ready design for millions or billions of records, right? :wink: I know that Enigma has the engima-p2p service, but I have not found any guides how to use it effectively. In essence, I guess I am looking for something like orbit-db ( but built on top of enigma-p2p? Please advise. Thanks!

ainsleys commented 4 years ago

I think user is correct w/r/t his last post about working with RocksDB but I am trying to get it confirmed. I also want to make sure there's not some issue I didn't think of. This may also be relevant to issue #38