sct / overseerr

Request management and media discovery tool for the Plex ecosystem
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Customize the logo / Change the name of Overseerr #404

Open Dabu-dot opened 3 years ago

Dabu-dot commented 3 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. One of the simpliest way to customize Ombi as a User nowadays is to replace the Logo and Name of the application (showing up in the tab next to the favicon). I would be nice if the admin could do that in Overseerr as well.

Describe the solution you'd like Within the "General Settings" Section, create a subsection named "Customization" (or else) to upload a .png or .jpg for the new logo that will overwrite the existing one. Same thing could be done for a text input where you could write a new name for the application and rename Overseerr.

KJThaDon commented 1 year ago

This is how I do it in a docker on unraid. Be aware they keep marking comments as spam on here so you don't find this out. Screenshot_2

I wish the devs would just say they are against this because they want to advertise their app. Them they can just ose this request as opposed to pretending like it s a possible feature coming and secretly marking comments as spam.

Exactly, however it doesn't make sense that they want to advertise their product like that. I don't have viewers like "oh let me go build my own server and check out this overseer script" I think 99% of people using it, won't give 2 sh*ts about it. Just seems odd

Emalton commented 1 year ago

@TheCatLady Would this issue be suitable for the never-stale label?

KJThaDon commented 1 year ago

I would also like to mention that the "custom application title" update from v.1.19 doesn't change the Overseerr name displayed when a user attempts to login via the plex auth screen. I believe the expected behavior would also change the application title name on the login screen. image

Anyone know of a fix for this?

cavfeet commented 1 year ago

This is how I do it in a docker on unraid. Be aware they keep marking comments as spam on here so you don't find this out.


How do you do it in portainer?

carnivorouz commented 1 year ago

This is how I do it in a docker on unraid. Be aware they keep marking comments as spam on here so you don't find this out.

How do you do it in portainer?

If you scroll up to my earlier comment, I put in a imgur link to my portainer setup with this working.

remserwis commented 1 year ago

I've got logo_full.svg (for top left corner) and logo_stacked.svg (for login screen) working properly with docker folder mapping. Great stuff....Unfortunately emails still coming with original instead of putting logo_full.png the same way on server. Name of the file in email is correct...I am on 1.32.5 version....Do you think it's hard linked now on sending bot ?

jakereed1 commented 1 year ago

I've got logo_full.svg (for top left corner) and logo_stacked.svg (for login screen) working properly with docker folder mapping. Great stuff....Unfortunately emails still coming with original instead of putting logo_full.png the same way on server. Name of the file in email is correct...I am on 1.32.5 version....Do you think it's hard linked now on sending bot ?

Hi @remserwis . How did you get it working in docker folder mapping? I've tried mapping a svg file using docker-compose to /app/overseerr/public/logo_full.png and /app/public/logo.png but neither seem to change the default logo.

robbbbbie commented 1 year ago

I've got logo_full.svg (for top left corner) and logo_stacked.svg (for login screen) working properly with docker folder mapping. Great stuff....Unfortunately emails still coming with original instead of putting logo_full.png the same way on server. Name of the file in email is correct...I am on 1.32.5 version....Do you think it's hard linked now on sending bot ?

Hi @remserwis . How did you get it working in docker folder mapping? I've tried mapping a svg file using docker-compose to /app/overseerr/public/logo_full.png and /app/public/logo.png but neither seem to change the default logo.

Using Docker, I mapped /MY_FILE_DIRECTORY/public to /app/public as well as /MY_FILE_DIRECTORY/public/logo_full.svg to /app/public/logo_full.svg. This is using my custom logo_full.svg for the top left corner, as well as using other my other custom logo files in the public directory such as logo_stacked.svg for the login screen and favicon.ico, favicon-16x16.png, and favicon-32x32.png for my custom favicon. I implemented this about a year ago and it has been working well ever since.

If you did something similar to this with a logo_full.png and it's not working, maybe you need to include a logo_full.svg file as well. I believe the .svg and .png files are used for different use cases, so if you don't have a .svg file you probably need one as well. Otherwise you could try mapping your .png file to the .svg file, but I'm not sure that would work as I haven't tried it myself.

jakereed1 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for getting back to me. When I wrote .png in my previous reply I did mean .svg. I hadn't tried mapping the folder to public though as well as the file. However I've just tried that but still no joy.. I can live without the custom logo but thanks anyway.

  - /var/docker/overseerr/config:/config
  - /var/docker/overseerr/config:/app/public
  - /var/docker/overseerr/config/logo_full.svg:/app/public/logo_full.svg
robbbbbie commented 1 year ago

I see you mapped all overseer directories to one local config directory. I also noticed you didn't specify overseer's /app directory on your config mapping. For reference, I separated them out into similarly named local directories. This was how I mapped the volumes on my container:

  - /var/docker/overseerr/config:/app/config
  - /var/docker/overseerr/public:/app/public
  - /var/docker/overseerr/public/logo_full.svg:/app/public/logo_full.svg
  - /var/docker/overseerr/src:/app/src
remserwis commented 1 year ago

Hi...I wanted to send you a screenshot from portainer, but it looks since I just updated tautulli docker my mappings are gone. I will redo them and paste a picture later. I remember it didn't want to work with mapping of the folder for me...I mapped file2file for logos.

jakereed1 commented 1 year ago

cheers guys. I was using the docker-compose example from the overseerr website which only mentions a config folder,For,-details%20on%20how

I've just added the folders / mapping exactly as you did but still no joy. I also tried mapping a svg file directly to /app/public/logo.svg and /app/overseerr/public/logo_full.svg (with only my previous config folder) and the logo then disappears from Overseerr which feels like progress. I've tried multiple svg files of varying resolutions.

I'm on the latest image 1.32.5.

remserwis commented 1 year ago

if logo disappeared, it's probably a good sign that you did correct mapping. now just create proper svg. From my experience: 1) I downloaded original logo end edited it to mine (to keep size etc. the same) 2) when exporting there was a setting about logo positioning ( my soft was centering it by default but it should be in top left corner )

robbbbbie commented 1 year ago

I was having the same issue last year, and found a fix soon after.

The issue was the resolution of the .svg file. The resolution I was initially using was rendering as 0px x 0px, so it was mapped correctly, just not rendering at the desired size. I edited my .svg file to have a width of 300 and a height of 92 and that rendered properly for me. You might need to toy around with the height and width variables to get it just right for your file's dimensions, but editing that should resolve your issue.

jakereed1 commented 1 year ago

Cheers guys. Seems like the resolution of the svg may be the key. I got it working using 300 x 92 svg and the below container mappings. volumes:

I tried to change the logo on the login screen by mapping a svg file the same size as the original stacked svg file (332 x 165) but couldn't get this logo to change. I tried mapping this using the below:

I also tried changing the logo in the email by using a png file as recommended in a post above but couldn't get this to work either. I think I will call it a day, I got 1 out of 3 changed and spent a lot longer on this than I planned to!

Jmcguire525 commented 1 year ago

I wish this would get implemented in an easy to use way... I don't know how to code it but if I hired someone to do that and submit a PR would it be accepted?

AIndoria commented 1 year ago

What absurdity that most of the comments are marked as spam or offtopic. Devs should be better than this. People sometimes want to have fun names for their instances.

SpartacusIam commented 1 year ago

What absurdity that most of the comments are marked as spam or offtopic. Devs should be better than this. People sometimes want to have fun names for their instances.

Because it's very clear that not only do the devs have no interest in implementing this change, they are obviously against it.

adamk33n3r commented 1 year ago

What absurdity that most of the comments are marked as spam or offtopic. Devs should be better than this. People sometimes want to have fun names for their instances.

Because it's very clear that not only do the devs have no interest in implementing this change, they are obviously against it.

If they are against it, they should close this issue then.

SpartacusIam commented 1 year ago

What absurdity that most of the comments are marked as spam or offtopic. Devs should be better than this. People sometimes want to have fun names for their instances.

Because it's very clear that not only do the devs have no interest in implementing this change, they are obviously against it.

If they are against it, they should close this issue then.

Well, if they were okay with it being publicly known that they are against it, then yes this thread would have been closed a long time ago and comments wouldn't be continuously being marked as spam. Clearly they don't want their users to know that they are against their users using any kind of custom branding. I guess is they feel like they're branding is what promotes their software. But I really don't see that as being the case.

adamk33n3r commented 1 year ago

What absurdity that most of the comments are marked as spam or offtopic. Devs should be better than this. People sometimes want to have fun names for their instances.

Because it's very clear that not only do the devs have no interest in implementing this change, they are obviously against it.

If they are against it, they should close this issue then.

Well, if they were okay with it being publicly known that they are against it, then yes this thread would have been closed a long time ago and comments wouldn't be continuously being marked as spam. Clearly they don't want their users to know that they are against their users using any kind of custom branding. I guess is they feel like they're branding is what promotes their software. But I really don't see that as being the case.

Ya, it's not like the people that are using my instance of Overseer are EVER going to set up their own 😂 that's why they're using mine! So not sure who they'd be marketing to

JoshMout commented 1 year ago

Ridiculous that this is still an issue three years later. My users are very turned off by the overseerr logo plastered all over the app.

sct commented 1 year ago

We mark comments as off-topic because they are. Constantly asking for a feature doesn't make us more aware of it. We work in our free time. We are aware of the ticket and want to support it eventually. It's just not the top priority right now.

Kevin1Smid commented 1 year ago

For those who want a temporary fix, in NGINX just set: location /logo_full.svg { proxy_pass youractuallogo.svg; }

morganzero commented 1 year ago

To customize the project logos, follow these steps:

Locate the default logos in the project code under the following paths:


If you're using Docker and building the container, ensure that the public folder is copied to /app/overseerr/public.

To deploy the project using docker-compose, bind your custom logo files to the application by adding this line to your docker-compose.yml file:

  - "/path/to/your/custom/logos/:/app/overseerr/public"

The docker-compose example would look like this instead:

version: "3"
    image: sctx/overseerr:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 5055:5055
      - "/path/to/your/custom/logos/:/app/overseerr/public"
      - "/opt/appdata/overseerr:/app/config"

Replace "/path/to/your/custom/logos/" with the path to your custom logo files. Replace "/opt/appdata/overseerr" with the desired path for your config data.

Rename your custom logos with the following exact names to replace the defaults:


By following these steps, you can easily customize the logos for the project.

TL;DR: To deploy using docker-compose, follow the example above, and ensure your custom logos are placed in the correct path within the project.

Alt Text

xcybermanx commented 1 year ago

I would also like to mention that the "custom application title" update from v.1.19 doesn't change the Overseerr name displayed when a user attempts to login via the plex auth screen. I believe the expected behavior would also change the application title name on the login screen. image

Anyone know of a fix for this?

have you know how change it ?

kalyway101 commented 12 months ago

For anyone who is finding some conflicting information in previous versions/comments... the current location that logos are pulled from is /app/public/. It no longer is pulling from /app/overseerr/public as of version 1.33.2.

jordanjones98 commented 6 months ago

I have a branch on my fork that allows you to change the text but not the logo. I still need to clean up the CSS to make it work better with longer names, but I will PR it soon.

I do have a PR open for the name of the application on the plex login page #3811

almulder commented 6 months ago

I have a branch on my fork that allows you to change the text but not the logo. I still need to clean up the CSS to make it work better with longer names, but I will PR it soon.

I do have a PR open for the name of the application on the plex login page #3811

Man this will be nice to have done, (Also hopefully changes the name in emails to "Open Server Name")

For images I did what a user did above (for Unraid).

And I Would love to test the name change

ldejavul commented 4 months ago

I've got logo_full.svg (for top left corner) and logo_stacked.svg (for login screen) working properly with docker folder mapping. Great stuff....Unfortunately emails still coming with original instead of putting logo_full.png the same way on server. Name of the file in email is correct...I am on 1.32.5 version....Do you think it's hard linked now on sending bot ?

In case anyone finds this troubleshooting your email logo change. Clear the cache for your domain. I spent a stupid amount of time wondering why my full_logo.png wasn't changing in emails.