scta-texts / bcg6es

William St Amour Collectiones text
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Augustine and B. Bernardi and Gelasius #15

Open CharlotteFeidicker opened 3 years ago

CharlotteFeidicker commented 3 years ago

Dear Jeff, I found a reference to Augustinus:

<pb ed="#P" n="485"/>
          <lb ed="#P" n="1"/>vt error noster lateat, si forte (quod absit) per minorem in¬ 
          <lb ed="#P" n="2"/>telligentiam in illis erramus; iuxta <ref xml:id="bcg6es-d1e110-Rd1e1449">verbum Augustini Ad Mar¬ <!-- nicht im SCTA?-->
          <lb ed="#P" n="3"/>cellianum in Epist. 2.</ref> sic dicentis. <quote xml:id="bcg6es-d1e110-Qd1e1454">Nimis <unclear>peruerse</unclear> seipsum a¬ 
          <lb ed="#P" n="4"/>mat, qui alios vult errare, vt error suus lateat.</quote>

I am not sure how to deal with this as I did not find the right reference in the SCTA. My idea is to add the link to the person-id to Augustinus and write a little note.

CharlotteFeidicker commented 3 years ago

The same problem appears for B. Bernardi. [Bernhard von Clairvaux, De consideratione]

<ref xml:id="bcg6es-d1e110-Rd1e1490">B. Bernardi in lib. 4. De Consideratione</ref> <!-- nicht in SCTA?,--> <quote xml:id="bcg6es-d1e110-Qd1e1493">Ad Eugenium Papam,  
          <lb ed="#P" n="14"/>dicentis. Non sum tam rudis vt ignorem vos positos. Dis¬ 
          <lb ed="#P" n="15"/>pensatores; sed in edificationem, non in destructionem. Denique 
          <lb ed="#P" n="16"/>queritur inter Dispensatores vt fidelis quis inueniatur. Vbi ne¬ 
          <lb ed="#P" n="17"/><unclear>cecitas </unclear>vrget, excusabilis <unclear>dispensatio</unclear> est; vbi <unclear>vtilitas</unclear> <unclear>prouocat</unclear>, dis¬ 
          <lb ed="#P" n="18"/>pensatio laudabilis est. Vtilitas (dico) communis, non propria, Nam 
          <lb ed="#P" n="19"/>cum nihil horum est; plane non fidelis dispensatio, sed crudelis <unclear>distipa¬ 
          <lb ed="#P" n="20"/>tio</unclear> est.</quote>
CharlotteFeidicker commented 3 years ago

And for Gelasius

          <lb ed="#P" n="33"/><ref xml:id="bcg6es-d1e110-Rd1e1561">Gelasius</ref>. <!-- nicht in SCTA?--><quote xml:id="bcg6es-d1e110-Qd1e1564">Etsi illa nonnunquam sinenda sunt, quae; si caterorum 
          <lb ed="#P" n="34"/>constet integritas, nocere sola non valent; illa tamen magnopere prae¬ 
          <lb ed="#P" n="35"/>cauenda sunt, quae recipi sine manifesta decoloratione non possunt.  
          <lb ed="#P" n="36"/>Et infra; Nullateniis sunt mutilanda, quae nec necessitas vlla, nec Ec¬ 
          <lb ed="#P" n="37"/>clesiastica prorsus extorquet vtilitas,</quote>
jeffreycwitt commented 3 years ago

For all of these entries, if there is no SCTA entry we have to make one. Technically, I need to make an EDF (expression description file) for reach text.

You could make an issue checklist (similar to what we are doing for the glossa text) of all needed references here: (this is the repository for all EDFs)

Then when I get time I can try to make an edf for the corresponding text. Once made, you'll have an id you can use as the source or target.