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Lemma element in lectio/literal commentaries #1

Open stenskjaer opened 7 years ago

stenskjaer commented 7 years ago

There is this whole class of commentaries that are refered to in different ways. Some call them literal commentaries, expositio commentaries or sententia commentaries which are a group of commentaries that present an exposition of the Aristotelian text that follows that text very closely. Often the exposition of line-by-line or at least section-by-section.

These commentaries are often (not always) divided into lectiones. And each lectio is introduced by the initial lemma of the section of the Aristotelian text that is the topic of the days lecture. I would like to be able to indicate that in the projectfile, as it often presents the main principle of division of these texts. A lectio is also very often a good candidate for a text item.

I was thinking about something like the following myself, but I am very open to improvements or suggestions. I know for instance that the reference to the source text of the lemma might be a subject of contention. This is just a suggestion that is based on pointers as they are (supposed to be) uniquely identifiable.

<div id="31-librum3" class="toplevel" type="da-librum3">
  <head>Librum 3</head>
  <item id="31-l3l1" type="lectio">
    <fileName filestem="31-l3l1"/>
        <head>De parte autem animae</head>
        <bibl ana="#Arist.DA.3-4-429a10" />
      <witness ref="#L">
  <item id="31-l3l2" type="lectio">
    <fileName filestem="31-l3l2"/>
      <lemm>Quoniam autem aliud est magnitudo</lemm>
      <bibl ana="#Arist.DA.3-4-429b10" />
      <witness ref="#L">
  <item id="31-l3l3" type="lectio">
    <fileName filestem="31-l3l3"/>
      <lemma>Dubitabit autem aliquis</lemma>
      <bibl ana="Arist.DA.3-4-429b22" />
      <witness ref="#L">


jeffreycwitt commented 7 years ago

I could see supporting this. But why put the lemma inside the title.

And don't we need a space for a generic title like, book 3, lectio 1

So how about

<item id="31-l3l3" type="lectio">
    <fileName filestem="31-l3l3"/>
    <title>Book 3, lectio 313</title>
        <lemmaTitle>Dubitabit autem aliquis</lemmaTitle>
        <bibl ana="Arist.DA.3-4-429b22" />
stenskjaer commented 7 years ago

Actually that was my first idea, so clearly I would have no problem with that. The reason I put the lemma into the title element is that the lemma often functions as the title of the lecture. The lemma title is much more useful when browsing a list of content elements of a text than just a lectio-number, as they are arbitrary. And that was my reason for putting the lemma into the title. Depending on how it is processed, both pieces of information might be displayed. I don't know.

So it could just be like that (althought it would be "lectio 3" -- the id reads "l3" for librum 3, and then "l3" again for lectio 3. I know it's unclear!).