scttcper / ngx-codemirror

Codemirror Wrapper for Angular
MIT License
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Problem getting CodeMirror instance with Angular 13 #310

Closed foorschtbar closed 2 years ago

foorschtbar commented 2 years ago


i can't get access to the CodeMirror instance with Angular 13. Unfortunately, I'm stuck and can't find the error. I have looked at these posts and also tried - unfortunately without success

My code to get the instance is:


<ngx-codemirror #codeMirror [...]></ngx-codemirror>


import { CodemirrorComponent } from '@ctrl/ngx-codemirror';
@ViewChild('codeMirror') codeMirrorCmpt: CodemirrorComponent;
 ngAfterViewInit() {
    console.log("this.codeMirrorCmpt", this.codeMirrorCmpt);
    console.log("this.codeMirrorCmpt.codeMirror", this.codeMirrorCmpt.codeMirror); // --> undefined

I always get undefined for this.codeMirrorCmpt.codeMirror, although the this.codeMirrorCmptobject had a codeMirror-Node.

Here is also a MWE:

Regards, Fabian

wuboy0307 commented 2 years ago

I met the same problem. But if I move the line to a function which will call later. It works.

  ngAfterViewInit() {

  validateFormula(e) {
    this.codeMirrorEditor = this.editor.codeMirror;  // here
foorschtbar commented 2 years ago

Thank u @wuboy0307! The later was the key:

const timer = setInterval(() => {
  if (this.codeMirrorCmpt.codeMirror !== undefined) {
    console.log("now working!", this.codeMirrorCmpt.codeMirror)
  } else {
    console.log("nope :(")
}, 500)