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Express Sessions #45

Closed blargism closed 11 years ago

blargism commented 11 years ago

It looks the the cookie key and the express session key are no longer one to one.

The cookie

  "connect.sid": "s:hi78yqZc1l3xq1oPBpGbC-cW.3K/mgvtRukv5jW3lJHkXnZiIysXCXCQ59rCqqL0r7S0"

The session object

  "sessions": {
    "hi78yqZc1l3xq1oPBpGbC-cW": {

Notice that the full cookie key contains the session id between "s:" and a ".". I have yet to dive into the express code on this but, it seems the cookie key is no longer a direct match to a session key within an express memory store.

The following made it work, but a more elegant solution may be in order.


    return function(req, res, next) {
        var c = req.cookies[options.key];
        // get the session key between "s:" and "."
        req.sessionID = c.substring(2, c.indexOf('.');

        if (req.sessionID) {
  , function(err, session) {
                if (err) return next(err);
                if (!session) return next(new Error('Session not found'));
                req.session = session;
        } else {
scttnlsn commented 11 years ago

The latest version (0.4.0) was just updated to work with Express 3.