scubajeff / lespas

Les Pas, photo album app for Nextcloud user
Apache License 2.0
446 stars 22 forks source link

Add translations to Transifex #43

Closed Valdnet closed 2 years ago

Valdnet commented 2 years ago

I propose to add the application to "Nextcloud Server team", which will gain more multilingualism and popularity.

scubajeff commented 2 years ago

Never heard of this. What is "Nextcloud server team?" Will it include client app?

comradekingu commented 2 years ago

@Valdnet The Nextcloud-related projects on various instances of Weblate see more translations and rank higher in terms of quality.

Valdnet commented 2 years ago

Never heard of this. What is "Nextcloud server team?"

The "Nextcloud Server team" is a community of translators who translate the Nextcloud instance and Nextcloud related applications. To add a project, issue a commit here and wait for approval. Then create the file: /.tx/config

host =

file_filter = app/src/main/res/values-<lang>/strings.xml
source_file = app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
type = ANDROID
source_lang = en
lang_map = af_ZA: af-rZA, am_ET: am-rET, ar_AE: ar-rAE, ar_BH: ar-rBH, ar_DZ: ar-rDZ, ar_EG: ar-rEG, ar_IQ: ar-rIQ, ar_JO: ar-rJO, ar_KW: ar-rKW, ar_LB: ar-rLB, ar_LY: ar-rLY, ar_MA: ar-rMA, ar_OM: ar-rOM, ar_QA: ar-rQA, ar_SA: ar-rSA, ar_SY: ar-rSY, ar_TN: ar-rTN, ar_YE: ar-rYE, arn_CL: arn-rCL, as_IN: as-rIN, az_AZ: az-rAZ, ba_RU: ba-rRU, be_BY: be-rBY, bg_BG: bg-rBG, bn_BD: bn-rBD, bn_IN: bn-rIN, bo_CN: bo-rCN, br_FR: br-rFR, bs_BA: bs-rBA, ca_ES: ca-rES, co_FR: co-rFR, cs_CZ: cs-rCZ, cy_GB: cy-rGB, da_DK: da-rDK, de_AT: de-rAT, de_CH: de-rCH, de_DE: de-rDE, de_LI: de-rLI, de_LU: de-rLU, dsb_DE: dsb-rDE, dv_MV: dv-rMV, el_GR: el-rGR, en_AU: en-rAU, en_BZ: en-rBZ, en_CA: en-rCA, en_GB: b+en+001, en_IE: en-rIE, en_IN: en-rIN, en_JM: en-rJM, en_MY: en-rMY, en_NZ: en-rNZ, en_PH: en-rPH, en_SG: en-rSG, en_TT: en-rTT, en_US: en-rUS, en_ZA: en-rZA, en_ZW: en-rZW, en@pirate: en-rpirate, es_AR: es-rAR, es_BO: es-rBO, es_CL: es-rCL, es_CO: es-rCO, es_CR: es-rCR, es_DO: es-rDO, es_EC: es-rEC, es_ES: es-rES, es_GT: es-rGT, es_HN: es-rHN, es_MX: es-rMX, es_NI: es-rNI, es_PA: es-rPA, es_PE: es-rPE, es_PR: es-rPR, es_PY: es-rPY, es_SV: es-rSV, es_419: b+es+419, es_UY: es-rUY, es_VE: es-rVE, et_EE: et-rEE, eu_ES: eu-rES, fa_IR: fa-rIR, fi_FI: fi-rFI, fil_PH: fil-rPH, fo_FO: fo-rFO, fr_BE: fr-rBE, fr_CA: fr-rCA, fr_CH: fr-rCH, fr_FR: fr-rFR, fr_LU: fr-rLU, fr_MC: fr-rMC, fy_NL: fy-rNL, ga_IE: ga-rIE, gd_GB: gd-rGB, gl_ES: gl-rES, gsw_FR: gsw-rFR, gu_IN: gu-rIN, ha_NG: ha-rNG, he_IL: he-rIL, hi_IN: hi-rIN, hr_BA: hr-rBA, hr_HR: hr-rHR, hsb_DE: hsb-rDE, hu_HU: hu-rHU, hy_AM: hy-rAM, id_ID: id-rID, ig_NG: ig-rNG, ii_CN: ii-rCN, is_IS: is-rIS, it_CH: it-rCH, it_IT: it-rIT, iu_CA: iu-rCA, ja_JP: ja-rJP, ka_GE: ka-rGE, kk_KZ: kk-rKZ, kl_GL: kl-rGL, km_KH: km-rKH, kn_IN: kn-rIN, ko_KR: ko-rKR, kok_IN: kok-rIN, ku_IQ: ku-rIQ, ky_KG: ky-rKG, lb_LU: lb-rLU, lo_LA: lo-rLA, lt_LT: lt-rLT, lv_LV: lv-rLV, mi_NZ: mi-rNZ, mk_MK: mk-rMK, ml_IN: ml-rIN, mn_CN: mn-rCN, mn_MN: mn-rMN, moh_CA: moh-rCA, mr_IN: mr-rIN, ms_BN: ms-rBN, ms_MY: ms-rMY, my_MM: my, mt_MT: mt-rMT, nb_NO: nb-rNO, ne_NP: ne-rNP, nl_BE: nl-rBE, nl_NL: nl-rNL, nn_NO: nn-rNO, nso_ZA: nso-rZA, oc_FR: oc-rFR, or_IN: or-rIN, pa_IN: pa-rIN, pl_PL: pl-rPL, prs_AF: prs-rAF, ps_AF: ps-rAF, pt_BR: pt-rBR, pt_PT: pt-rPT, qut_GT: qut-rGT, quz_BO: quz-rBO, quz_EC: quz-rEC, quz_PE: quz-rPE, rm_CH: rm-rCH, ro_RO: ro-rRO, ru_RU: ru-rRU, rw_RW: rw-rRW, sa_IN: sa-rIN, sah_RU: sah-rRU, se_FI: se-rFI, se_NO: se-rNO, se_SE: se-rSE, si_LK: si-rLK, sk_SK: sk-rSK, sl_SI: sl-rSI, sma_NO: sma-rNO, sma_SE: sma-rSE, smj_NO: smj-rNO, smj_SE: smj-rSE, smn_FI: smn-rFI, sms_FI: sms-rFI, sq_AL: sq-rAL, sr_BA: sr-rBA, sr_CS: sr-rCS, sr_ME: sr-rME, sr_RS: sr-rRS, sr@latin: sr-rSP, sv_FI: sv-rFI, sv_SE: sv-rSE, sw_KE: sw-rKE, syr_SY: syr-rSY, ta_IN: ta-rIN, ta_LK: ta-rLK, te_IN: te-rIN, tg_TJ: tg-rTJ, th_TH: th-rTH, tk_TM: tk-rTM, tn_ZA: tn-rZA, tr_TR: tr-rTR, tt_RU: tt-rRU, tzm_DZ: tzm-rDZ, ug_CN: ug-rCN, uk_UA: uk-rUA, ur_PK: ur-rPK, uz_UZ: uz-rUZ, vi_VN: vi-rVN, wo_SN: wo-rSN, xh_ZA: xh-rZA, yo_NG: yo-rNG, zh_CN: zh-rCN, zh_CN.GB2312:zh-rBG, zh_HK: zh-rHK, zh_MO: zh-rMO, zh_SG: zh-rSG, zh_TW: zh-rTW, zu_ZA: zu-rZA

@comradekingu I know you're for Weblate 😉.

comradekingu commented 2 years ago

@comradekingu I don't care what service is used so long as it isn't praying on translators. When you propose using Transifex I care. In my experience Nextcloud doesn't do translations the right way, and I bent over backwards trying to help. If you value multilingualism as it pertains to language, coverage, or any resulting popularity, it is the wrong choice.

The libre software translation community is a true community of translators using tools that respect users, some of which is Nextcloud-related projects. That Nextcloud itself isn't in it is hurting its business, and it was hard to even beat ownCloud that way. Plenty of entries in that lang_map don't make sense btw. Why should developers have to create config files in the repo or maintain the system-level info in them? With only the Nextcloud org on TX as discovery, it limits the project to a tiny amount of the larger pool of translators.

Valdnet commented 2 years ago

@comradekingu Translations are very good at Weblate, only UX scares me. In my opinion, it is not intuitive enough.

scubajeff commented 2 years ago

seems like both are non-free

comradekingu commented 2 years ago

@scubajeff Weblate is not only libre, but also copyleft (like Nextcloud)

@Valdnet Give it the benefit of the doubt enough to try it for a few hours. You can use the Zen editor if you want something quicker.

Compared to Transifex the UI of both Weblate editors are a dream. Main problem of Transifex is the horizontal space made available means strings wrap unnaturally, which in turn means having to track two independent points of engagement in the source vs translation. The second problem of Transifex is not being able to span large arrays of strings. The third problem of Transifex is not being able to browse more languages at once. Other than that, the comments are hidden, fuzzy strings are broken, the comments are hidden, the non-threaded messaging is bad, finding changed or updated strings is a major pain, deleted strings are present as suggestions, etc, etc, etc. Also, actually read the terms of service. It is a non-starter.

Valdnet commented 2 years ago

@comradekingu You may be right, but it doesn't depend on me. Currently, I translate in Transifex because the Nextcloud project uses it and I recommend that applications also be included in it, so that there is one consistency of translations. I will also add that I also use other services in which there are applications that interest me.

comradekingu commented 2 years ago

Recommending Transifex for consistency, or in lieu of the Nextcloud stint there doesn't make any sense.