scubajorgen / TomTomWatch

Tool for exporting GPS files from TomTom Sports Watches
75 stars 16 forks source link

The tool does not detect the watch - Unable to claim interface: access denied #30

Closed fabrizioolivieri closed 9 months ago

fabrizioolivieri commented 9 months ago

Hello Jorgen, I downloaded the zip e installed on my mac. The install directory is /Users/Fabrizio/Downloads/TomTomWatch/ The app does not detect my watch.

Could be a problem of path? I manually changed the file with the following paths

gpxFilePath = /Users/Fabrizio/Downloads/TomTomWatch/GPX
ttbinFilePath = /Users/Fabrizio/Downloads/TomTomWatch/TTBIN
routeFilePath = /Users/Fabrizio/Downloads/TomTomWatch/ROUTE

Launching the app through the shell returns the following error: ERROR: USB Error: USB error 3: Unable to claim interface: Access denied (insufficient permissions)

How can I solve it?

scubajorgen commented 9 months ago

The software uses usb4java. Should support OS-X, but I cannot try, so no support guaranteed (use Windows or Linux ;-). Apparently you application has not the rights to use the USB bus. On linux you have to grant privileges by adding rules to UDEV for a particular device. Like for the Adventurer:

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1390", ATTRS{idProduct}=="7475", GROUP="users", MODE="0666" SUBSYSTEMS=="usb-serial", MODE="0660", GROUP="users"

in /etc/udev/rules.d/50-myusb.rules

fabrizioolivieri commented 9 months ago

Hello Jorgen, I've managed to use the tool in my sons' Windows pc. Thank you for developing it!