scubajorgen / TomTomWatch

Tool for exporting GPS files from TomTom Sports Watches
75 stars 16 forks source link

GPX file save not working #46

Closed makosrepas closed 7 months ago

makosrepas commented 7 months ago

Hi! I'm not familiar in Java, but I compiled your source code v1.10. When I want to save a gpx file and push the save button, nothing happean. I used this command: mvn -Dmaven.test.skip package What did I wrong?

Thank you, makosrepas

Windows 10 maven 3.9.5 JDK Development Kit 21.0.1

scubajorgen commented 7 months ago

Can you download files by presssing the Download button?

makosrepas commented 7 months ago

Ofcourse, the download is working. Now I'm trying your compiled version 1.10 from your website, this is working fine. Thank You!

scubajorgen commented 7 months ago

Okay, solved then