scubajorgen / TomTomWatch

Tool for exporting GPS files from TomTom Sports Watches
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MacOS 13.6.4 - USB error 3: Unable to claim interface: Access denied (insufficient permissions) #61

Closed elgrandifico1 closed 6 months ago

elgrandifico1 commented 6 months ago

Hi, As I understand it, TomTomWatch can not access the watch because of insufficient permissions. Does anyone has the same issue on macOS ?

best regards, Julien

tigermick commented 6 months ago

Hi I have the same issue on Linux Ubuntu. I use "sudo" to start the application with root permission. You can start an application with admin permission on MACOS I think ...

scubajorgen commented 6 months ago

Unfortunatelly I cannot support MacOS simply because I do not have Apple (I once bought a MacBook pro but was so disappointed that I sold it 3 days later; but I won't bother you with that ;-) ). On Linux you need to have access to the USB (add user to the proper group) and you have to add your device to /etc/udev/rules.d. Add a file here like 50-myusb.rules with next content:

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1390", ATTRS{idProduct}=="7475", GROUP="users", MODE="0666"

Again, this is Linux.

elgrandifico1 commented 6 months ago

Unfortunatelly I cannot support MacOS simply because I do not have Apple

Ok, I can understand of course! I've used my son's PC under Windows and I could access to my watch :-) Thank you very much !