scubajorgen / TomTomWatch

Tool for exporting GPS files from TomTom Sports Watches
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Normalize the size of the program window #62

Closed snooppr closed 1 month ago

snooppr commented 1 month ago

There are inconveniences when working in the software. The problem affects software on GNU/Linux and Windows.

After deleting activities or updating GPSQuick, you need to look at the message log (finish of operations), but it does not fit on screens with a resolution of 1366x768, you have to hold down “alt + left mouse button” and move the program window up/down beyond the screen area, this is inconvenient.

Please reduce the program window vertically, or create a button: auto-fit the window to the screen size (usually a square icon at the top of the program window next to the cross/close and underscore/minimize).

scubajorgen commented 1 month ago

Unfortunatelly layouting on Java progrmming language isn't that easy so I cannot do this. In an era of HD and 4K screens I won't put energy in supporing all kind of legacy equipment. Sorry.