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Sculpin Installation with SSH - Error! #91

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

Hello Developers, I would like to work with Sculpin and wanted to install SSH with it now.

But when I type this: php56 sculpin.phar install

I get the error displayed: Segmentation fault

How can I fix it or I do something wrong?

Thanks in advance!

beryllium commented 8 years ago

What is the output of "php -m" or "php56 -m"? You might be missing some required modules, such as openssl.

On Feb 27, 2016, at 9:43 AM, Alexander Liebrecht wrote:

Hello Developers, I would like to work with Sculpin and wanted to install SSH with it now.

But when I type this: php56 sculpin.phar install

I get the error displayed: Segmentation fault

How can I fix it or I do something wrong?

Thanks in advance!

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ghost commented 8 years ago

It looks like this.

[PHP Modules] bcmath bz2 calendar Core ctype curl date dom ereg exif fileinfo filter ftp gd gettext gmp hash iconv imap interbase intl ionCube Loader json ldap libxml mbstring mcrypt mhash mssql mysql mysqli mysqlnd odbc openssl pcre pdf PDO pdo_dblib pdo_mysql PDO_ODBC pdo_pgsql pdo_sqlite pgsql Phar posix pspell recode Reflection session shmop SimpleXML soap SPL sqlite3 standard sysvsem sysvshm tidy tokenizer wddx xml xmlreader xmlwriter xsl Zend Guard Loader zip zlib

[Zend Modules] Zend Guard Loader the ionCube PHP Loader (enabled) + Intrusion Protection from (unconfigured)