scup / atellier

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Overlap of LeftNav element on demo page #15

Closed eko24 closed 8 years ago

eko24 commented 8 years ago

Hello. Not sure if this one related to demo page or the whole project. So, when I select LeftNav in the list of elements I see this overlap: image Warning appeared in console when I clicked on LeftNav: Automatically scrolling cursor into view after selection change this will be disabled in the next version set editor.$blockScrolling = Infinity to disable this message in react-attelier.js:37873 I'm using Chrome on Windows 8.

agutoli commented 8 years ago

Hi @eko24, I saw that LeftNav (material component) has a position absolute and is on the Atellier sidebar. About Warning, we will see more closely. tks for reporting...

simplysh commented 8 years ago

How about adding position: relative to the stage element. I think the stage should behave like a document view and keep everything contained.

Edit: Nevermind, I checked and the property is there but LeftNav is using actually using position:fixed.