scup / atellier

The smartest way to share interactive components with your team.
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Many warnings #26

Closed matheusrocha89 closed 8 years ago

matheusrocha89 commented 8 years ago

I have a project with a lot of react components so I put the attelier to make a demo of all components. But after I put the attelier the appears a lot of warning messages: image

I think the bundle file of attelier have a react inside so since my project have react too there is a conflict, anybody already pass through this and find an elegant solution?

Neablis commented 8 years ago

This bug is caused by the bug i already filled a issue for. They use React instead of react so the two names conflict. On a non case sensitive file system you get warnings. On a case sensitive filesystem it will break.

They are working on a fix, but its a pretty easy fix so should be soon.

agutoli commented 8 years ago

hi @matheusrocha89 and @Neablis, we just released a version v0.1.9 with this fix. tks!