scup / atellier

The smartest way to share interactive components with your team.
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Unwanted styles are appended to body #36

Open wongbsn opened 8 years ago

wongbsn commented 8 years ago

Simply importing Atellier will cause it to append font styles to the body.

body {
  font: 300 16px Proxima Nova;
sompylasar commented 8 years ago

Looks like Atellier was made so that it takes the whole page, including body, under its control, so the "unwanted" styles on the body are somewhat by design.

wongbsn commented 8 years ago

This becomes a problem if you have a route setup for Atellier for demoing your components within your project. This ends up by default overriding the fonts used in your project.

sompylasar commented 8 years ago

@wongbsn Ah, true. I got used to not using anything by default in the components, i.e. to use BEM or css-modules to scope the component styles so that they are independent and fully styled.

Certainly, it would be better to have Atellier styles strictly scoped to the components outside the Stage so that they do not influence the components rendered in the Stage in any way.

agutoli commented 8 years ago

It`s true guys, we have to solve it... :/