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defaultProps are ignored #38

Open sompylasar opened 8 years ago

sompylasar commented 8 years ago

Default UI state for PropTypes.bool props always render to true (switched on) regardless of the defaultProps of false.

Looks like this line is relevant:

const defaultProps = this._properties[prop] || values;

this._properties[prop] is either false, the value from the component's defaultProps, or undefined because defaultProps aren't accounted for here (if I understand this piece correctly).

So it falls back to the default value which is true for PropTypes.bool.

sompylasar commented 8 years ago

Looks like there is more to this issue.

The component props are not initialized with defaultProps in the Workspace state:

The falsy values are nullified here:

sompylasar commented 8 years ago

Related: #41

lucasconstantino commented 8 years ago
