scverse / scverse-tutorials

Tutorials for learning scverse
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Notebook runner CI doesn't work on forks #130

Open grst opened 7 months ago

grst commented 7 months ago

When someone creates a PR from a fork, the CI does not have permission to add commits to the branch.

To my knowledge, the only real way to solve this is to develop a github application.

For now, it is easiest to add someone who makes a PR to this repo and ask them to push to a local branch.

CC @flying-sheep

flying-sheep commented 7 months ago

I recently made a GitHub application:

It was relatively easy. Manually, we use it like this:

- name: Get bot token
  id: create_token
  uses: tibdex/github-app-token@v2
    app_id: ${{ secrets.SPENCER_APP_ID  }}
    private_key: ${{ secrets.SPENCER_PRIVATE_KEY }}

- name: Clone repo
  uses: actions/checkout@v4
    token: ${{ steps.create_token.outputs.token }}
    fetch-depth: 0
    filter: blob:none

- name: Commit autofixes
  uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v5
    commit_message: "chore: auto-fix eslint errors"
    commit_user_name: spencer-hobson[bot]
    # This uses the anonymous identity record number you can get via:
    commit_user_email: 149329160+spencer-hobson[bot]

but of course that only works in repos that have access to the private key, so we need to figure out how to make the app do its thing with a central installation.