This issue is to discuss the initial vignettes we want to make in order to demonstrate the utility and usage of SpatialData.
Here are the things I think we want to highlight:
uniform data API makes it easy to use the same pipeline for different data sources
transforms and coordinate systems allow data from multiple sources to be aligned and analyzed together
interoperable data representation means that people can view and interact with their data on multiple platforms (e.g., web and desktop) without moving or transcoding.
data can be interactively viewed and annotated
Based on the vignettes below, these are the features that need to be implemented.
[ ] aggregate by polygon (vignette 1) (luca)
[ ] aggregate by label (vignette 1) (luca)
[ ] Vitessce loading SpatialData (vignette 1)
[ ] pytorch data loader from image (vignette 2) (waiting: after spatial query)
[ ] downscaling and downscaling a multiscale (unassigned)
Vignette 1: flexible pipelines operate on multiple data sources
data source: Xenium (luca), CoxMX (giovanni), Merscope (giovanni)
features highlighted:
uniform data API makes it easy to use the same pipeline for different data sources
interoperable data representation means that people can view and interact with their data on multiple platforms (e.g., web and desktop) without moving or transcoding.
data can be interactively viewed and annotated
aggregate by polygon
aggregate by label
Vitessce loading SpatialData
static plotting
Analysis steps
Load the data
View data
Cluster cells
Interactively explore clusters in napari-spatialdata
annotate regions with polygons in napari-spatialdata (e.g., annotate an anotomical region)
aggregate based on the drawn regions
perform differential expression or compare cell type compositions in the annotated/aggregated regions
This issue is to discuss the initial vignettes we want to make in order to demonstrate the utility and usage of SpatialData.
Here are the things I think we want to highlight:
Based on the vignettes below, these are the features that need to be implemented.
Vignette 1: flexible pipelines operate on multiple data sources
data source: Xenium (luca), CoxMX (giovanni), Merscope (giovanni) features highlighted:
Analysis steps
Vignette 2: multi-FOV analysis
data source: [Erickson et al., Nature, 2022] ( (giovanni) features highlighted:
Analysis steps
Vignette 3: multimodal integration
data source: Xenium + Visium features highlighted:
Analysis steps