Closed qiuzy029 closed 4 years ago
The error is typically for simulations not initialized properly or wrong force field parameters. Can you put the outputs from the log file? Do you mean DrudeLangevinThermostat ? I saw that you were using charmm input files but it was missing the psf file. I never used charmm parser with drudeNose plugin, but I suspect it might not be the root cause of the error. I'll upload an example of simulation salt solution using charmm-drude-2013 force field xml file imported in OpenMM default distribution.
Thanks for your reply and the example is really helpful. I have found the reason for this error. And my knowledge is followed:
Appreciating you for your help again.
Thanks for the update. I'm glad that you were able to fix the problem. I also appreciate your comments regarding the CudaPrecision setting. I'll now close the issue.
In my test on pure water box, the simulation fails with error "Particle coordinate is nan" and no one MD step was performed. In another test, simulation successed, but the same error was thrown when I want to restart the job. All the tests were ok if Langevin thermostat was used.
So what may be the bug? I think openmm_drudeNose was installed successfully. The output of initiallization part was dumped into log file. Anyone has some advice?
Thanks very much!