scylladb / kafka-connect-scylladb

Kafka Connect Scylladb Sink
Apache License 2.0
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Offset Storage Table does not support multiple connectors for the same topic #62

Open hartmut-co-uk opened 2 years ago

hartmut-co-uk commented 2 years ago

Precondition (default)


As a developer I'd like to be able to have multiple connectors consuming the same topic. Currently this is not possible, since the scylla table created and used for tracking offsets kafka_connect_offsets (default) has a PK of (topic, partition) and therefore only supports tracking offset for a single connector.

Proposed Solution

Add ad additional column connector_name to the tracking table + PK...

CREATE TABLE poc.kafka_connect_offsets (
    connector_name text,
    topic text,
    partition int,
    offset bigint,
    PRIMARY KEY ((connector_name, topic, partition))
hartmut-co-uk commented 2 years ago

Would a PR be welcome? Would there be any other cols worth adding?

haaawk commented 2 years ago

Yes. Contributions are welcome.

Bouncheck commented 1 year ago

Hi, this can be solved by setting This way connectors won't clash with each other if you need to store offsets on Scylla. While not having to modify default name would be a convenient feature, I don't think there currently are plans to implement that.