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`test_raise_error_on_prepared_statement_execution_dropped_table` is failing using `scylla-5.2` #77

Closed vponomaryov closed 6 months ago

vponomaryov commented 6 months ago

The python driver matrix test called test_raise_error_on_prepared_statement_execution_dropped_table fails using scylla-5.2:

    <testcase classname="datastax_version_3.29.0_v3_tests.integration.standard.test_prepared_statements.PreparedStatementTests" name="test_raise_error_on_prepared_statement_execution_dropped_table" time="0.670">
      <failure message="AssertionError: InvalidRequest not raised">self = &lt;tests.integration.standard.test_prepared_statements.PreparedStatementTests testMethod=test_raise_error_on_prepared_statement_execution_dropped_table&gt;

    def test_raise_error_on_prepared_statement_execution_dropped_table(self):
        test for error in executing prepared statement on a dropped table

        test_raise_error_on_execute_prepared_statement_dropped_table tests that an InvalidRequest is raised when a
        prepared statement is executed after its corresponding table is dropped. This happens because if a prepared
        statement is invalid, the driver attempts to automatically re-prepare it on a non-existing table.

        @expected_errors InvalidRequest If a prepared statement is executed on a dropped table

        @since 2.6.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-207
        @expected_result InvalidRequest error should be raised upon prepared statement execution.

        @test_category prepared_statements

        self.session.execute(&quot;CREATE TABLE test3rf.error_test (k int PRIMARY KEY, v int)&quot;)
        prepared = self.session.prepare(&quot;SELECT * FROM test3rf.error_test WHERE k=?&quot;)
        self.session.execute(&quot;DROP TABLE test3rf.error_test&quot;)

        with self.assertRaises(InvalidRequest):
&gt;           self.session.execute(prepared, [0])
E           AssertionError: InvalidRequest not raised

Screenshot from 2024-01-16 17-24-22

Argus, CI job

roydahan commented 6 months ago

Why is the issue in the driver matrix repo and not in Python driver repo?

vponomaryov commented 6 months ago

Why is the issue in the driver matrix repo and not in Python driver repo?

I don't know where should it be. It is possible that this test may be expected to be skipped for 5.2- Scylla versions.

vponomaryov commented 6 months ago

Created driver issue here: Closing this one.