scylladb / scylla-manager

The Scylla Manager
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docs: Issue on page Examples #3879

Open pogzie opened 3 weeks ago

pogzie commented 3 weeks ago

I would like to report an issue on page


Example on using the Docker example doesnt work. Also, if basing from the Docker example, it might be best to standardize the use of the cluster name.

scylla-manager@354a2ccb890d:/$ sctool tasks -c test
| Task                   | Schedule     | Window | Timezone | Success | Error | Last Success           | Last Error | Status | Next                   |
| healthcheck/alternator | @every 15s   |        | UTC      | 32      | 0     | 10 Jun 24 04:35:09 UTC |            | DONE   | 10 Jun 24 04:35:24 UTC |
| healthcheck/cql        | @every 15s   |        | UTC      | 32      | 0     | 10 Jun 24 04:35:09 UTC |            | DONE   | 10 Jun 24 04:35:24 UTC |
| healthcheck/rest       | @every 1m0s  |        | UTC      | 8       | 0     | 10 Jun 24 04:35:09 UTC |            | DONE   | 10 Jun 24 04:36:09 UTC |
| repair/all-weekly      | 0 23 * * SAT |        | UTC      | 0       | 0     |                        |            | NEW    | 15 Jun 24 23:00:00 UTC |
scylla-manager@354a2ccb890d:/$ sctool repair -c test -s now+4h -i 7d
Flag --start-date has been deprecated, use cron instead
Flag --interval has been deprecated, use cron instead
Error: create repair target: create repair plan: no replicas to repair
Trace ID: LlgQjyfjTnW4hiTQuluHOg (grep in scylla-manager logs)

Suggest a fix

If we're pushing the reader to not use deprecated flags, this should also be fixed by using --cron. Either way, using cron and following the example it errors out. Further investigation required.

scylla-manager@354a2ccb890d:/$ sctool repair -c test --cron @daily
Error: create repair target: create repair plan: no replicas to repair
Trace ID: vUKn8bgGTn621SWtw-CVGQ (grep in scylla-manager logs)