What happens if _tx_burst.size() is greater than 0? the first if doesn't happen, and the packets that are sent are from some previous call to _send, while the pb is manipulated (packets are popped from it, while they were not inserted to the burst from the first place not mention not sent to device).
reading through src\net\dpdk.cc I think there might be a bug in
uint32_t dpdk::dpdk_qp:: _send(circular_buffer& pb, Func packet_to_tx_buf_p);
What happens if _tx_burst.size() is greater than 0? the first if doesn't happen, and the packets that are sent are from some previous call to _send, while the pb is manipulated (packets are popped from it, while they were not inserted to the burst from the first place not mention not sent to device).
Did I miss out anything?