sczesla / PyAstronomy

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Updating sweetCat data #11

Closed sousasag closed 9 years ago

sousasag commented 9 years ago


There was a recent update to the SWEETCat. When I used: sc.downloadData() for some reason the data was not locally updated. When I did: scs.dataAge() -> close to 0...

but the number of rows in the data was still outdated.

To solve this, I just removed the local files, and then I had the new data available. But this is just a work around...

Cheers, Sérgio

sczesla commented 9 years ago


I checked the download on my machine and it seems to work. My suspicion is that the data were, indeed, successfully updated (on the disk) following your call to "sc.downloadData()". However, they were not immediately re-read, when the download was triggered. This only happened, when a new class instance was created.

This comes, of course, a little unexpected and is a flaw in the flow logic. It should be fixed now.

Cheers, Stefan