sczesla / PyAstronomy

A collection of astronomy-related routines in Python
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pyasl.ExoplanetEU() - Not really an issue, more a request #13

Closed sousasag closed 6 years ago

sousasag commented 8 years ago


I notice that there is only a good selection of columns for the Is it difficult to add some extra important columns that are currently missing?

Right now I would like to have the "Radius meas. Method". With this column I can check if a planet detected by Radial Velocity is also transiting the star.


DanielAndreasen commented 8 years ago

Hi Sérgio,

It is indeed straight forward. In the source code lline 164 you can just add more columns. You can also do it yourself and create a pull request ;)

Cheers, Daniel

DanielAndreasen commented 8 years ago

Instead of adding just a few more, we could add a full parameter which is default set to False. When True it will present the full table from ExoplanetEU/org. What do you think Stefan?

By the way, Sérgio have said to me that he might make a pull request on this.

sczesla commented 8 years ago


it is, indeed, relatively simple. I pushed a commit, which adds the column (dubbed radius_detection_type in the cvs file containing the database). That is of course only a quick fix, and I agree with Daniel that a full coverage of the columns would be more desirable.

As the individual databases are quite heterogeneous, there is not yet an equally satisfying selection of columns. In fact, the classes are all "stand alone". I have been thinking about "unifying" the access (including full column coverage) for a longer time (but, obviously, I have not implemented it yet). However, I believe that would be very useful.

Cheers, Stefan

jason-neal commented 7 years ago

@sousasag Is this now resolved with ExoplanetEU2, where all columns are provided?

sczesla commented 6 years ago

Closing for now. Please re-open if needed