sczesla / PyAstronomy

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pyasl.ExoplanetEU2() give long error #20

Closed DanielAndreasen closed 7 years ago

DanielAndreasen commented 7 years ago

Hi Stefan,

I get a rather long error message when I try to run pyasl.ExoplanetEU2(). See below.

from PyAstronomy import pyasl
d = pyasl.ExoplanetEU2()

E05                                       Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-43-59de23a2c99b> in <module>()
----> 1 pyasl.ExoplanetEU2()

/home/daniel/Software/anaconda3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/PyAstronomy/pyasl/resBased/exoplanetEU.pyc in __init__(self, skipUpdate, forceUpdate)
    572       # regular update is indicated
    573       self._update(self._download)
--> 574     self._readData()
    576   def _download(self):

/home/daniel/Software/anaconda3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/PyAstronomy/pyasl/resBased/exoplanetEU.pyc in _readData(self)
    347     with warnings.catch_warnings():
    348       warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
--> 349       self.vot = votable.parse(self._fs.requestFile(self.dataFileName, 'r',
    350     # Use 'name' over ID field to specify column names
    351     self.vot = self.vot.get_first_table().to_table(use_names_over_ids=True)

/home/daniel/Software/anaconda3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/astropy/io/votable/table.pyc in parse(source, columns, invalid, pedantic, chunk_size, table_number, table_id, filename, unit_format, datatype_mapping, 
    138         _debug_python_based_parser=_debug_python_based_parser) as iterator:
    139         return tree.VOTableFile(
--> 140             config=config, pos=(1, 1)).parse(iterator, config)

/home/daniel/Software/anaconda3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/astropy/io/votable/tree.pyc in parse(self, iterator, config)
   3391             if start:
   3392                 tag_mapping.get(tag, self._add_unknown_tag)(
-> 3393                     iterator, tag, data, config, pos)
   3394             elif tag == 'DESCRIPTION':
   3395                 if self.description is not None:

/home/daniel/Software/anaconda3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/astropy/io/votable/tree.pyc in _add_resource(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos)
   3320         resource = Resource(config=config, pos=pos, **data)
   3321         self.resources.append(resource)
-> 3322         resource.parse(self, iterator, config)
   3324     def _add_coosys(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos):

/home/daniel/Software/anaconda3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/astropy/io/votable/tree.pyc in parse(self, votable, iterator, config)
   3145             if start:
   3146                 tag_mapping.get(tag, self._add_unknown_tag)(
-> 3147                     iterator, tag, data, config, pos)
   3148             elif tag == 'DESCRIPTION':
   3149                 if self.description is not None:

/home/daniel/Software/anaconda3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/astropy/io/votable/tree.pyc in _add_table(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos)
   3102         table = Table(self._votable, config=config, pos=pos, **data)
   3103         self.tables.append(table)
-> 3104         table.parse(iterator, config)
   3106     def _add_info(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos):

/home/daniel/Software/anaconda3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/astropy/io/votable/tree.pyc in parse(self, iterator, config)
   2395                             'TABLEDATA', six.iterkeys(data), config, pos)
   2396                         self.array = self._parse_tabledata(
-> 2397                             iterator, colnumbers, fields, config)
   2398                         break
   2399                     elif tag == 'BINARY':

/home/daniel/Software/anaconda3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/astropy/io/votable/tree.pyc in _parse_tabledata(self, iterator, colnumbers, fields, config)
   2510                                 except Exception as e:
   2511                                     if invalid == 'exception':
-> 2512                                         vo_reraise(e, config, pos)
   2513                                 else:
   2514                                     row[i] = value

/home/daniel/Software/anaconda3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/astropy/io/votable/exceptions.pyc in vo_reraise(exc, config, pos, additional)
    117         message += ' ' + additional
    118     exc.args = (message,)
--> 119     raise exc

E05: None:22454:1220: E05: Invalid boolean value 'Yes'

As a sidenote, the link for pyasl.ExoplanetEU doesn't work anymore:

I add @sousasag to the conversation as he was the one who found the bug.

sczesla commented 7 years ago

Hi Daniel,

great to hear from you and thanks for reporting.

Honestly, I have been aware of this bug. As far as I can say, the reason for this is that the VO table currently provided by is not entirely standard compatible because, as you see in the error message, "Yes" is not a valid boolean value, and astropy does not handle this smoothly (well, it does the right thing actually). I contacted about this issue, but I have not heard something so far. So maybe it is not a general issue or I am simply not right in my evaluation.

At any rate, I had hoped that the issue would not require a tailored solution from my side. Yet, I start to see the necessity now. I will look into this and see that I can provide a solution soon!


sczesla commented 7 years ago

Hi again,

this was quicker than I expected. I just pushed a commit, which should resolve the issue. Invalid columns are now masked, which prevents an error. However, quite a few values (in particular, nonexisting) will also be masked. I think this is a change in behavior compared to the previous situation.

I hope that helps! Stefan

DanielAndreasen commented 7 years ago

Hi again,

I just tested this, and it works. I had to rename some stuff (names of columns are slightly different), but at least I can get the data again. Thanks for the quick fix.


sczesla commented 7 years ago



I also looked at the "old" class (ExoplanetEU), which stopped working. Obviously, the mechanism for downloading the data ceased to work for the CSV data, due to a change on the server side, and I could not (quickly) come up with a working alternative (still works for the votable format, and I hope that will continue). So unfortunately, this is seems to be beyond repair for the moment.


DanielAndreasen commented 7 years ago

Yes, I understand it is out of our hands. I think you can close this issue though. The VOtable is working again.
