sczesla / PyAstronomy

A collection of astronomy-related routines in Python
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Use setup from setuptools #33

Closed jason-neal closed 6 years ago

jason-neal commented 6 years ago

In commit 04a4f45015bc you added theinstall_requires keyword to This is from setuptools only so results in a UserWarning. (also seen in #32)

... distutils/  UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'install_requires'

Some suggest to use setup from setuptools instead of distutils e.g. adding-install-requires I have made the change here with the fallback to use distutils' setup.

I do not know how/if this reacts with the other distutils imports you use, Command and Extension

Although when building with setuptools it changes the version numbering

site-packages/setuptools/ UserWarning: Normalizing '0.13.0beta' to '0.13.0b0'

(At least on the latest master)