sczesla / PyAstronomy

A collection of astronomy-related routines in Python
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Time Series Folding Reference Point #44

Closed JackActon closed 5 years ago

JackActon commented 5 years ago

The FoldAt command;

PyAstronomy.pyasl.foldAt(time, period, T0=0.0, getEpoch=False)

Takes the input T0, described in the documents as a reference point. I'm folding some time series data of my own, with a known period and epoch. Is there any way of knowing what this reference should be?


sczesla commented 5 years ago


as far as I understand your description, T0 corresponds to what you call "epoch". That point would be mapped to phase zero.


JackActon commented 5 years ago


Okay, so just for future knowledge. Is the 'Reference Point' just the point that the folding will map to phase 0 then?


sczesla commented 5 years ago

Yes. And all points given by T0+n*period with integer n likewise. I updated and extended the docu, which should no hopefully be clearer.