sczesla / PyAstronomy

A collection of astronomy-related routines in Python
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NavigationToolbar2TkAg deprecated #46

Closed MingjieJian closed 4 years ago

MingjieJian commented 4 years ago

Hi Stefan,

I was using the pyaGui.ContinuumInteractive to do some normalization and it worked well, but recently after I upgraded matplotlib I found the package matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg.NavigationToolbar2TkAgg is deprecated and an error appear when I tried to import pyaGui. I did a brief search and found someone said that for now NavigationToolbar2Tk should be used. It will be great if I can use pyaGui with the newest matplotlib. (


sczesla commented 4 years ago

Hi, Thanks for reporting. This is an annoying issue, which should be solved in the current development branch (master). Running a test, I encountered another issue related to an apparent API change concerning show/draw in canvas. I will draft a new release soon to distribute the changes sooner. Cheers, Stefan