sczhou / ProPainter

[ICCV 2023] ProPainter: Improving Propagation and Transformer for Video Inpainting
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Content Misuse for Watermark Removal #25

Open manOnTheMoon435 opened 11 months ago

manOnTheMoon435 commented 11 months ago

What does this mean? 2023.09.24: We remove the watermark removal demo officially to prevent the misuse of our work for unethical purposes.

The video is still available on YouTube and features one of our clips available on Shutterstock, demoing Watermark removal. It also has been promoted on with similar content. Simply stating that the removal demo has been deleted isn't enough. All videos showing and promoting watermark removal have to be eliminated immediately.

sczhou commented 11 months ago

We appreciate your reminder! We've taken action by removing all watermark removal demos and making updates to our project page, GitHub repository, and YouTube video accordingly.

Furthermore, we have also deleted our previous tweets featuring the old video demos and tried our best to inform the major influencers to do the same. Thanks!