sczhou / ProPainter

[ICCV 2023] ProPainter: Improving Propagation and Transformer for Video Inpainting
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Remove shadow effects #28

Open USTAADCOM opened 1 year ago

USTAADCOM commented 1 year ago

@sczhou I remove objects from video succesfully but its not removing the shadow effects of object. IS there any suggestion how it could work better.

Drwaish commented 1 year ago

Facing same issues...

stevewongv commented 1 year ago

@USTAADCOM @Drwaish You can try our instance shadow detection method as a workaround. Our method can output shadow instance masks with paired object instance masks. To achieve this, you need to use mask IoU to match your object masks with the shadow-object associations in our model's output. We have developed a video instance shadow detection method and will release the code at a later date.