scztt / IconSet.quark

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Couldn't find icon with name 'ic_check_box' #1

Open thresholdpeople opened 3 years ago

thresholdpeople commented 3 years ago


I just installed your quark, ran Material.fetch, and upon recompiling received the following error:

ERROR: Couldn't find icon with name 'ic_check_box' in paths: all the folders within ..../downloaded-quarks/material-design-icons followed by the CALL STACK: Exception printing in the post window.

Seems like maybe the files or file names for the icon repository have been changed...?

Many thanks for your time and work! Boris

scztt commented 3 years ago

Hmm - the icon ic_check_box is not used anywhere in this Quark. Do you have any idea which code might be referring to this icon name? The "Couldn't find icon..." error only occurs when you try to create an icon that doesn't exist - someone, somewhere, must be calling Material(\ic_check_box)....

scztt commented 3 years ago

I see that Material recently moved to a new major version that completely changes the folder structure. It will take some substantial changes to make this work with IconSet - for now, you can go to the folder where the Material icons are checked out (this should be ~/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/material-design-icons on mac), and run git checkout 3.0.2. This will revert to the older, supported version of the Material icons.

thresholdpeople commented 3 years ago

Yep, the error was caused on recompiling the class library, I hadn't even gotten a chance to try anything yet. Switching to version 3.0.2 fixed it though, thanks!