sczyh30 / vertx-blueprint-microservice

Vert.x Blueprint Project - Micro-Shop microservice application
Apache License 2.0
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Use the Original ServiceImpl inside the RestVerticle can result in a vertx context issue #21

Open a-marcel opened 7 years ago

a-marcel commented 7 years ago


inside your verticles you deploy the rest api with the same instance, created in the verticle.

// create the service instance
ProductService productService = new ProductServiceImpl(vertx, config());
// register the service proxy on event bus
ProxyHelper.registerService(ProductService.class, vertx, productService, SERVICE_ADDRESS);
.compose(servicePublished -> deployRestService(productService))

As an example:

private Future<Void> bindEventBusListener(ProductService productService) {
  Future<Void> future = Future.future();
  vertx.eventBus().consumer("", m -> {
    productService.test(); // <--- this is important
  return -> null);

you will run in this:

[vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] WARN io.vertx.core.http.impl.ConnectionManager - Reusing a connection with a different context: an HttpClient is probably shared between different Verticles

as a solution, you should give a proxy instance inside the Rest API and inside the eventbus consumer.

ProductServiceVertxEBProxy productServiceProxy = new ProductServiceVertxEBProxy(vertx, SERVICE_ADDRESS);

.compose(servicePublished -> deployRestService(productServiceProxy))
.compose(servicePublished -> bindEventBusListener(productServiceProxy))

Maybe you ask why a eventBus consumer inside you verticles is needed. In my project i use CQRS and communicate with events.

As an example:

i've a customer and a email messaging verticle in your style.

a customer calls register and we write the data into a database and return the customer maybe a access_token. at the same time, we're using the eventbus to send a CUSTOMER_REGISTER event.

this CUSTOMER_REGISTER is subscribed inside the messaging verticle and will send a email with a confirmation code to this customer after that, the messaging verticle send a CONFIRMATION_MAIL_SEND event (including the generated confirmation code)

this CONFIRMATION_MAIL_SEND is subscribed by the customer verticle and save this confirmation code inside the customer database (via this testMethod from above)

i hope, i could describe my topic

Thanks Marcel

P.s: i forget one thing to mention. both verticles DON'T share any Java Classes or generated code (to keep them decoupled). They just send plain JsonObject's to a channel.