sd196821 / ESP32-Drone-S3

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Please add some more details #1

Open sanjuchopracool opened 1 year ago

sanjuchopracool commented 1 year ago

Hi Please add some more details which dev board are you using. Also specify the status of the project, is it working with esp32_s3 , or its work in progress.


sd196821 commented 1 year ago

(1) For hardware and schematics, just refer to hardware/ESP32_S3_DRONE_V0_1. The quadrotor pyDrone is bought from 01 Studio for ~30 $. (2) It's ok for basic flight in attitude stablized mode with Android APP or GCS. More functions need to be verified, I'm not sure when will I do them. (3) For more details, refer to Official ESP-Drone project.

sanjuchopracool commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot

sanjuchopracool commented 1 year ago

I have one more question, which app are you using to connect to udp server ? I am not able to install app mentioned in esp droneofficial link. I compiled esp android app installed it. But When I connect with that app nothing happens. It looks like you have started a udp server and using some kind of udp client to connect to drone. Please share that information also. Thanks in Advance.

sd196821 commented 1 year ago

../drivers/general/wifi/wifi_esp32.c has been updated, this version works well as official one does. Previous file was just an experimental file. With the newer file, esp32 works in AP mode, both esp_drone app and esp official GCS in PC can be used as a remote controller. However, no flight data feed back, only RC functions are implemented.