168 introduced the "Select from history" feature which lets you directly jump to History mode but currently there is no way to return to the main menu. This new feature would add that functionality
What problem are you trying to solve?
When exiting (e.g. ctrl+z) out of the selection anipy-cli just exits and mpv (with the currently running anime stream) stays open. Instead it should throw you back to main menu of the currently running anime stream
Describe the new feature
168 introduced the "Select from history" feature which lets you directly jump to History mode but currently there is no way to return to the main menu. This new feature would add that functionality
What problem are you trying to solve? When exiting (e.g. ctrl+z) out of the selection anipy-cli just exits and mpv (with the currently running anime stream) stays open. Instead it should throw you back to main menu of the currently running anime stream