sdatkinson / NeuralAmpModelerPlugin

Plugin for Neural Amp Modeler
MIT License
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[FEATURE] Dual DSP processing aka "stereo plugin" #108

Open eArt67 opened 1 year ago

eArt67 commented 1 year ago

For workflow reasons it would be great if NAM would allow for dual mono input (e.g. two hard panned guitar tracks).

Just a small suggestion...

yoshimodular commented 1 year ago

+1 🙌🏻

blakepennycook commented 1 year ago

+1 for stereo (and dual mono) please!

jaredbehrens commented 1 year ago

This would be a huge quality of life improvement for me. Getting a NAM instance panned hard left and hard right can be a little tricky to get in phase properly. The ability to load a stereo instance, and be able to flip the phase on either side and do little ms micro-adjustments would be so cool! STL NADir has all the features I am looking for in that regard but it would be nice to get it functioning straight from NAM.

ampaze commented 4 months ago

Is this still on the radar?

While Genome now offers this, it has it's own issues (costs money, high CPU usage, problems with 96khz models). Therefore I also hope this feature can be incorporated into the NAM plugin itself.

The ability to load a stereo instance, and be able to flip the phase on either side and do little ms micro-adjustments would be so cool!

As the model and IR would be the same for the left and right channel, I really don't see the need for phase invert or time adjustments. This means the UI would be unaffected, which should make this feature easier to implement.

aombk commented 2 months ago

ok sorry for the duplicate feature request, I should have checked, but i am also interested. is this still on your radar?

andivax commented 1 month ago

It is the main reason I don't use NAM yet. Please add stereo processing feature! Thank you!

ddjangl commented 1 month ago

I'm confused, is this stereo processing or not? I am using a VOLT 2 and there seems to be two inputs and a LR output, is it simply that inputs 1 and 2 from my volt are summed and then sent to both LR as a summed signal?

I may start digging into the code to see how it works. I know a bit about audio processing in software so I MIGHT be able to take a look at it. That being said my experience is in firmware and not software.

BTW: Great plug in this is some really great work!

mrtnvgr commented 1 week ago

+1 🙏