It might be useful to have a table describing relationships between transactions, for example "a part-merged into b by user u" or "non-deferrable payments from a split out to new transaction b by user u".
How many different types of relationships do we need to be able to describe between two transactions? Are we going to need free text to describe them, or can we encode the relationship?
a part-merged into b
a fully merged into b
some lines from a split into new transaction b
non-deferrable payments from a moved to new transaction b
Relationships we don't need to describe
a voids b (already described at the transline level)
Maybe just have a "see also" table? "For transaction x see also transaction y". Searches for transaction x can transitively follow this table to offer improved search results.
It might be useful to have a table describing relationships between transactions, for example "a part-merged into b by user u" or "non-deferrable payments from a split out to new transaction b by user u".
How many different types of relationships do we need to be able to describe between two transactions? Are we going to need free text to describe them, or can we encode the relationship?
part-merged intob
fully merged intob
split into new transactionb
moved to new transactionb
Relationships we don't need to describe