sdechaumet / ramopls

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rownames error when running example #2

Closed kramersu closed 7 months ago

kramersu commented 7 months ago


thanks for your tool. I used to be able to run it without issue, but lately I am getting a rownames error, even when running the example files:

result <- run_AMOPLS(datamatrix = data_Ruiz2017$datamatrix,

I'm running: R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16) -- "Beagle Scouts"

many thanks!

sdechaumet commented 7 months ago

Hello !

I'm happy to see someone using this package ! It was developped and tested on R 3.6.0 which is kind of old now.. So I'm not suprised about some problem when using a newer R version (and probably different packages).

I'll try too look at this next week and update R and all the dependencies.

kramersu commented 7 months ago

Hi there, yeah, I guess being a package dev is a thankless task like that ;) You only hear from your your users when we have issues. But yes, we are using it and until recently it worked great! Thanks a lot for developing and looking forward to an updated version. Best, Susanne

sdechaumet commented 7 months ago

It was enjoyable to delve back into the code (which brought back a lot of memories ^^). I've resolved the dependency issues and updated all the packages and R. Please feel free to try again and provide feedback so I can close the issue. If you encounter difficulties setting up the dependencies, you can utilize renv with the renv.lock file to build them.

All the best.

kramersu commented 7 months ago

Heya, I reinstalled the package using remote but am still getting the same error. It still lists the build as rAMOPLS_1.0 though, so maybe that's still the old version?


kramersu commented 7 months ago

update: I installed manually from source and now it works! Thanks a lot!

sdechaumet commented 7 months ago

Hi ! I'm happy to here that, I'm closing the issue then 👍