sdenier / Geco

Lightweight desktop application for management of orienteering events
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Added build and related clean instructions to ant.xml. #28

Closed bodograumann closed 10 years ago

bodograumann commented 10 years ago

Put tabs as consistent indentation in ant.xml.

With the previous ant.xml, building was not possible. I added the missing targets. For now everything from /build is simply copied to /bin. So we should either build directly into /bin or only copy certain files.

sdenier commented 10 years ago

May I ask why you want to merge the build.xml into ant.xml? How do you want to work with Geco? What tools do you use?

The reason there is a separation between both is that eclipse handles the compile process for me. So the ant.xml only takes care of building artefacts, no compilation. The build.xml came long after, when it was needed to run on Travis CI. It is a good base though to add more compile tasks.

You could for example add a few more rules to produce artefacts directly from build.xml, which would simply call ant.xml tasks but with more task dependency. I'm thinking in particular of:

 <target name="build_jar" depends="compile">
<target name="build_jar" depends="compile">
    <ant antfile="ant.xml" target="build_jar" />

Anyway, I didn't notice but some indent cleanup is indeed welcome.

bodograumann commented 10 years ago

I don’t have eclipse and I feel reluctant to use it, because I rather like to do my editing in vim. So I would build with ant and debug with jdb from the command line. I will try to use the build.xml for compiling as you suggested. Unfortunately I am not too familiar with java development, so these administrative tasks are not quite easy for me. Still I really like to try geco. Only, whether I take the prebuild files or my own build, nothing more than the first stage selection dialog works and the main window is not opened. I guess I will need to use local versions of the libraries that geco uses and maybe do some debugging.

sdenier commented 10 years ago

On 13 mars 2014, at 09:07, canaaerus wrote:

I don’t have eclipse and I feel reluctant to use it, because I rather like to do my editing in vim. So I would build with ant and debug with jdb from the command line.

OK, it would be simple enough to add new targets on top of the existing ones, yet keep the existing ones. I can take a look into it.

I will try to use the build.xml for compiling as you suggested. Unfortunately I am not too familiar with java development, so these administrative tasks are not quite easy for me. Still I really like to try geco. Only, whether I take the prebuild files or my own build, nothing more than the first stage selection dialog works and the main window is not opened. I guess I will need to use local versions of the libraries that geco uses and maybe do some debugging.

First thing you need to do in these cases is to take a look at gecoerror.log. It should give you a starting point about what is going amiss. Using vim, I suspect you run under a Linux OS, then you are in for a tough debug session with RXTX. I could never get it to work reliably, so I kind of let down the support for Linux. If this is confirmed and you want to try, the first thing to do is to find a way to run RXTX on your computer… except the RXTX site seems dead these days :(

BTW, do you have in mind other stuff? New features?


sdenier commented 10 years ago

I merged your PR tonight and then pushed a few changes in the Ant file, so as to keep my process clean - see 2e794d4d5d8985d7488640438b627cb4aacab857

So basically, you should be able to run ant -f ant.xml build-dev-jar to generate a jar from command line (without eclipse)