sdesalve / hassio-addons

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Failed to install add-on error #53

Closed ShelbyDodgeGuy closed 1 year ago

ShelbyDodgeGuy commented 1 year ago

Currently trying to install the Monocle Gateway and I'm getting the error : "The command '/bin/ash -o pipefail -c apk update && apk add --no-cache wget curl libstdc++ nano net-tools openssl ca-certificates' returned a non-zero code: 3"

Running Home Assistant OS 8.4 x86_64 in a VM.

sdesalve commented 1 year ago

Try to install, one at time, this from a terminal

And post error logs.

ShelbyDodgeGuy commented 1 year ago

First set of commands ran fine. Second one returns :

wget can't open '/tmp/monocle/monocle-gateway.tar.gz': No such file or directory

sdesalve commented 1 year ago

Run this commands one at time

mkdir -p /tmp/monocle

wget -c -O /tmp/monocle/monocle-gateway.tar.gz

cd /usr/local/bin/

tar xvzf /tmp/monocle/monocle-gateway.tar.gz monocle-gateway

tar xvzf /tmp/monocle/monocle-gateway.tar.gz monocle-proxy

rm -Rf /tmp/monocle/

monomolecular commented 1 year ago

I'd really like to use your Monocle Add-On, but I'm having the same problem. I was able to runn all the commands in your last post.

sdesalve commented 1 year ago

What error you get during setup? Post logs

itsabitnutty commented 1 year ago

Hi, I hope you are well?

I had the error

Failed to install add-on The command '/bin/ash -o pipefail -c apk update && apk add --no-cache wget curl libstdc++ nano net-tools openssl ca-certificates' returned a non-zero code: 3

I then ran the commands you posted earlier 5 Aug, and they worked without error, I then tried the add-on again and got the same error, is it because you have /bin/ash not bin/bash ?

sdesalve commented 1 year ago

is it because you have /bin/ash not bin/bash ?

That commands are runned in dockerfile and don't are related to Hassio shell.

Please provide some info about your Hassio setup:

Host machine Hassio setup type Full logs of installation

sdesalve commented 1 year ago

For monocle try this commands one at time and report here if you'll get error

apk update apk add --no-cache wget apk add --no-cache curl apk add --no-cache libstdc++ apk add --no-cache nano apk add --no-cache net-tools apk add --no-cache openssl apk add --no-cache ca-certificates

itsabitnutty commented 1 year ago

thanks for replying

I am running on a Lenovo tiny pc (x86) Home assistant was installed as OS using Balena Etcher

I've attached some logs, let me know if I've attached the correct ones

I ran the commands one at a time, with no errors home-assistant.log

sdesalve commented 1 year ago

thanks for replying

I am running on a Lenovo tiny pc (x86) Home assistant was installed as OS using Balena Etcher

I've attached some logs, let me know if I've attached the correct ones

I ran the commands one at a time, with no errors home-assistant.log

Try to install now. I've edited dockerfile and splitted RUN command to install all dependencies separately

Restart, try to install and then Post same logs

itsabitnutty commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks.

I removed your repo restarted added the repo restarted tried to install and same error Failed to install add-on The command '/bin/ash -o pipefail -c apk update' returned a non-zero code: 3


itsabitnutty commented 1 year ago

do I need to install docker?

or does HA already run insider a container?

sorry bit of a noob with HA

sdesalve commented 1 year ago

The second...

Hassio is runned in a docker container.

Do you have internet connection? and a properly configured DNS in your Hassio setup/DHCP server (your modem/router)?

sdesalve commented 1 year ago

Try to install now my monocle add-on...

itsabitnutty commented 1 year ago

Hi, that worked, thanks for your help, greatly appreciated

what was the issue?

itsabitnutty commented 1 year ago

Spoke to soon

after entering my token and starting I get this error in the logs

s6-overlay-suexec: fatal: can only run as pid 1

I’ve also restarted

sdesalve commented 1 year ago

Update to last version