sdetweil / MMM-Config

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various modules missing config params #17

Open sdetweil opened 3 years ago

sdetweil commented 3 years ago

author didn't include them in defaults..

can correct with schema file.. not sure otherwise

MMM-Bustimes coded

destinations: null

instead of

destinations: []

when usage is like this

destinations: ["9341","9562"]
sdetweil commented 3 years ago

i propose that the module packages some customized schema files (particularly for the no longer maintained modules) i can take PRs from anyone to add/correct the schema file

the module will check for one provided by each module and use THAT if found then check if we have one, use that otherwise generate

BKeyport commented 3 years ago

Seems this is a tie-in to #11 and #20 and others - might as well tag them together.

sdetweil commented 3 years ago

well, this is ' your module doesn't list my module parameters".. and I look, and sure enough, the author didn't include them in the code.. so I can 'fix' this, but have to ship a schema file for that module, unless the author chooses to so its really a different problem.. it USES the function in #11 to save the schema and edit it. but provides a different shipping solution