sdetweil / MyCovid19

monitor COV ID 19 status
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Never loads chart data #10

Closed jollyplant closed 4 years ago

jollyplant commented 4 years ago

Hello, trying to run your module on an RPI4 2gb, config below:

                        //  OR
                        //  OR
                        //counties [{'countyname':'statename'},{'countyname2':'statename2'}]
                        //            note the ':' between the county and state name
            // one of countries or states or counties MUST be specified
            // line colors can be any definition of color either a name ,or a hex string
            // one per country above, used in order,
            chart_type:"cases",  // or "cumulative deaths"
            chart_title:"Cases", // however u want to label
            // the vertical steps on the chart.. how tall u want it to be and how mant increments
            // size of the chart in pixels
            startDate: "03/01/2020",
            width: 450,
            height: 1000,
            // only used if we need to debug something

Just says "MyCovid19 Loading Data for chart "Cases" but it never loads anything. Not sure what I am doing wrong

sdetweil commented 4 years ago

I copy/pasted your config and it comes up with no issues.. see

did you run npm install after doing the git clone?

jollyplant commented 4 years ago

Interesting, yeah I did npm install.....I wonder if it is getting "squished" by the surrounding modules? This is probably an issue from my end - thanks for the help