Closed tdworm closed 4 years ago
@tdworm not really sure.. how would you propose to identify the counties in config? (as there are colliding names in different states)
right now i have an array of single names so maybe [{county, state},{county,state}] (then the colors etc line up) (the data has both on each record)
how would u label those in the legend? just the county name? the combo would get long pretty fast
{county, state} is how the csv file is structured. I think labeling is fine with just county. It works obviously be a locally specific chart so I'd assume the user would know the state without it being listed in the legend.
I pull county data from a json sensor in home assistant and it's useful to see local case trends. Would be a nice addition to my mirror but again, I couldn't figure out how to modify your module so no worries either way.
@tdworm ok, do a git pull
the format is counties : [ {'countyname':'statename'},{'countyname':'statename'],
i tried to minimize the amount of data to enter so to make avalid javascript object it had to have the : between the names... (vs a comma like we talked before)
right now, I only display on the chart the copunty name
let me know how it looks README updated as well
there was one prior bug exposed in testing , if there are not enough colors specified for the numebr of things requested, then the data is not shown... now draws in ugly pink!!..
My sincere thanks for updating that. It works great. Stay safe and thanks again.
Hi. Really enjoy this module; thanks for sharing it. Question, how hard would it be to add county level data? There is a us-counties.csv file on the nytimes github. I tried to modify the files but am well out of my comfort zone (knew that before I tried!). Thanks