sdf-labs / sql-functions

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Marking up implemented-by: datafusion in functions.sdf.yml #10

Closed vgapeyev closed 3 weeks ago

vgapeyev commented 4 weeks ago

This marks up with implemented-by: !datafusion those Trino functions in functions.sdf.yml that have a datafusion implementation. This addresses part of

There is a companion PR in sdf with smoke tests for these functions:

There are a few comments in the file: some are meant to stay there as hopefully helpful for future coordination with the datafusion UDFs, but the ones starting with # VG are more like questions to be resolved during review -- I'll remove them prior to merge.

wizardxz commented 4 weeks ago

Let's merge it to main

wizardxz commented 4 weeks ago

Let's add sqllogictests, in sdf

vgapeyev commented 4 weeks ago

Let's add sqllogictests, in sdf

I am currently adding tests, to sdf-cli/workspaces/presto_functions, for the newly-marked datafusion functions. I'll return later, to add some for these already-marked functions, from abs to codepoint.