[x] I think it's missing some of the disaggregated data for the "Total, any type of intimate partner violence". It shows up for some dimensions like Age but not for others like Indigenous groups etc.
[x] It also seems to be missing some of the dimensions under Visible Minority,
Data source can be updated to leverage this CODR table with additional disaggregation: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/cv!recreate.action?pid=3510020501&selectedNodeIds=2D2,4D3,6D2&checkedLevels=0D1,0D2,2D1,2D2,2D3,4D1,4D2,4D3&refPeriods=20180101,20180101&dimensionLayouts=layout3,layout2,layout2,layout3,layout3,layout3,layout2&vectorDisplay=false
Update all fields/dimensions as needed.