sdias / win-10-virtual-desktop-enhancer

An application that enhances the Windows 10 multiple desktops feature by adding additional keyboard shortcuts and support for multiple wallpapers.
MIT License
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Remembering Window Position when Boot up. #38

Open huchister opened 7 years ago

huchister commented 7 years ago


First of all, I appreciate for your works upon virtual desktop enhancer.

Is it possible to remember all window position on each virtual desktop when boot up?

For instance, if you hit shortcut key (ctrl+win+alt+r) which would remember all window & app position, so that I do not have to spend time figuring out moving application on everytime.


sdias commented 7 years ago

Hi, thanks.

I've been toying with the idea of allowing you to specify the location of windows and apps on a specific virtual desktop, based on rules. I'm not sure how I'll implement it, but I'll take your suggestion into account, thanks.

Elviseras commented 6 years ago

Hi, first of all, congratulate you on this extraordinary app. It's a lot of day-to-day help for those who work with multiple virtual desktops in Windows 10

As a suggestion, it might be possible to integrate Win10 VDE with the exsime vdesk development (, another fantastic app which allows by command line to open a program or document on the chosen desktop in Windows 10. I myself use it by launching a .bat file at the beginning of my session windows.
